How is your imagination today? I want to run a few thoughts past you…
“Imagine stripping a sports betting market to its bare bones, to the
extent that it never appears in public again…”
“Imagine humiliating the traders employed by a sports betting exchange
to the extent that they lose their jobs…”
“Imagine the fat-cats scratching their bald heads in disbelief as you
loot their markets…”
Your imagination will bring you close to exactly how the creator of
Recession Better has been feeling over the last ten years. The
self-satisfied smirk on his face has rarely disappeared, but…
…he doesn’t want to keep it to himself anymore. He’s found a new
project – a method to help you through this deep and hard-hitting
Thanks to Recession Better, he’s found 36,000 a year and 3,000 a month
of tax-free, effortless pounds.
Obviously, the question that follows is where is the proof? The answer:
check out…
…and find out exactly how much the fat-cats who own his favourite
betting exchange are losing thanks to Recession Better.
And now he wants to ruthlessly multiply their losses by exactly TWO
The man is seriously determined to recruit 200 people who want to
prosper during the economic downturn. BUT, you’ll only qualify to apply
for elite membership if you can understand his philosophy: ******
To be successful sports betting, you need to target the weak betting
exchanges which are littered with loopholes
Betting exchanges like Betfair generate £50 million profit a week.
Staggering, isn’t it? That's hard-earned cash that many of its
customers can’t afford to lose. With a turnover that is so high an
organization like Betfair can get the best research software, employ
the best market traders and so produce the best betting exchange.
Yet, why do their customers keep on gambling on this flawless exchange
and fuelling the salaries of Betfair's fat-cats?
Now for those who didn’t pay attention, I’m going to give you another
chance to be in on the secret. Take in this simple but important
The betting exchanges which are not as profitable cannot afford to use
the best research software or employ the leading market traders.
End result? Vulture systems like Recession Better prey on the loopholes
that are littered around these betting exchanges.
So, the burning question, do you qualify for exclusive membership?
==>Do you have a basic knowledge of sports?
==> Do you have a desire to make serious cash from sports
betting exchanges?
==>Do you have £1 to invest?
==>Do you have 5 minutes a day outside of your job?
If you have answered yes to any of those questions you qualify for
exclusive membership to Recession Better but there’s still an obstacle.
You need to be within the first 200 people who signs up. Michael
doesn’t want to spread himself too thin as he wants to personally train
all his recruits. Recession Better has launched today and as you’re
someone who I enjoy communicating with, I’m bringing this news to you 5
minutes before launch. I want you to have every chance to be part of
the chosen few
If you want to join Recession Better’s elite group to pump the betting
exchanges, click here...
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